The Last Fox Hunt

by Daniel Eskridge
The Last Fox Hunt
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital Painting
Three men who are on a foxhunt have encountered a kind of fox they did not expect. At the edge of a dark forest, a mist has arisen, and, from the trees, a monster emerges. It looks like a fox, but stands on two legs. With two huge, clawed hands, this giant werefox glares angrily at the hunters. The hounds have all run off with their tails between their legs and the horses are in a panic. One rider has been thrown to the ground. The other two are doing all they can to stay in the saddle. This will be the last fox hunt for this trio.
From the artist: I saw a fox hunt painting one day while perusing the profile of an antique store on Instagram. I though it was interesting and did some research on the subject. Fox hunting scenes seem to have been a rather common subject of English painting. They tended to follow a formula: the riders are dressed in red coats, light breeches, black boots, and black cap and are unarmed; there are a few hounds in the scene; there is one white horse and the rest dark; and it is set in a bucolic countryside.
I decided that I wanted to make a fox hunt scene, but with the tables turned on the hunters by adding an element of horror. I don't know if werefoxes are really a thing from actual English or European folklore, but I rather like the concept.
Thanks for looking,
February 8th, 2022