Archaeopteryx On Fishing Trip

by Daniel Eskridge
Archaeopteryx On Fishing Trip
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital
Another work in my paleo art series featuring the world's oldest bird.
Did archaeopteryx eat fish? He certainly seems to have had the teeth for it. Though at his size (about the size of a crow), they'd have to be very little fish.
Jurassic Bavaria where the archaeopteryx lived was supposedly a chain of semi-arid islands with few trees. This is in contrast to one of my previous artworks depicting him in a dense forest. So, for this picture, I've thinned the vegetation out a bit. However, this being on a river, some large conifers have carved out an existence on the far bank.
The archaeopteryx model is by Dinoraul and is available at renderosity.com. I posed him using Poser 2010 then exported him to Vue 9 where I created the rest of the scene. Final rendering was done using Vue and some post production was done using Gimp.
July 1st, 2011
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