Swamp Lycaenops

by Daniel Eskridge
Swamp Lycaenops
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital
For this paleoart work, I've depicted a Lycaenops stalking through a shallow wetland. I couldn't really find much on the habitat of the ancient therapsid. After all, this is from a time before the dinosaurs. So, I?ve used a bit of artistic license and placed this one in a fun environment with lots of mist and water. With long legs for wading and sharp teeth, I suppose he could have been a passable fisherman.
The model is by Dinoraul. I posed him using Poser, then imported him into Vue where I constructed the rest of the scene. Final rendering was done in Vue and took about 24 hours. Post production was done using Gimp.
September 9th, 2011
Similar Subjects
Comments (8)

Deianera Richan
Hey, this is great! I just got back from South Africa & as a fellow artist I really appreciate this. The Permian extinction which wiped out creatures like this did such a thorough job that the Karoo Desert in South Africa's west (check out the cover photo on my FaceBook page!) is one of the few places on Earth where the remains of mammalian reptile Gorgonopsids have ever been found. If ever a creature existed that was a combination of a big cat & a dinosaur, this was it!

Sharon Burger
Daniel, your art is amazing, like you so much for favoring and adding me to your watch list, and for the oportunity of meeting you and your fantastic gallery. I'll be watching you.