
by Daniel Eskridge
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital Painting
A school of Ichthyosaurs swims over a bed of seaweed in the Jurassic seas. Though they may look like dolphins, they are, in fact, reptiles, and they swam the oceans in the time of the dinosaurs. The particular species depicted here is stenopterygius, very similar in appearance to the ichthyosaurus, for which the order is named. Stenopterygius, though, was about twice as big overall, but with a proportionally smaller head and flippers.
I created this image as part of both my paleoart and aquatic series. I used CGI techniques in combination with digital painting to make it.
Thanks for looking!
Daniel Eskridge
September 2nd, 2014
Similar Subjects
Comments (19)

Gull G
😊 💖 🌸Congratulations on your recent sale of a wonderful work. 😊 💖 🌸 "Art consists of limitation. The most beautiful part of every picture is the frame."

Danielle R T Haney
You're an Awesome Storyteller and Illustrator! Love their Expressions~ FANTASTIC!!

Lianne Schneider
Brilliant lighting! Dramatic composition with fabulous details. Just s super work Daniel. F/L T P