Guards of the Forgotten Gate

by Daniel Eskridge
Guards of the Forgotten Gate
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital
Somewhere in the world there once stood an unimportant castle. A dusty rarely used road led up to the main gate. Despite the castle's few visitors, a small host of knights and solders guarded that main gate. The fortress, however, had a second gate. This rear gate opened to the forest and was never used. The knight who was charged with guarding this portal knew his job was menial; still, he never let his vigilance falter. Nor did he ever stand alone, for, every day, he was joined by a old cat and an owl, which would stand watch with him from sunrise to sunset.
January 20th, 2012
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Comments (8)

Hartmut Jager
A great and wonderful depiction of all the Knight Legends that probably never were - but always are very much alive - in our imagination. :-)