Dragon Bait

by Daniel Eskridge
Dragon Bait
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital 3d Rendering/cgi
DragonCon is coming up at the end of the month here in Atlanta. I go to see the parade every year, but, this year, I'll probably go to the actual convention as I have some artwork being used for a banner there by a publishing company. Anyhow, being in the fantasy illustration frame of mind, I made this new work for my fantasy gallery.
A blonde haired woman in a loose flowing dress sits in a golden cage suspended from a gnarly tree in a dense forest. She's just waiting for some wandering hero to release her from her prison, and along comes you to be that hero. However, all is not as it seems. Out of the shadows of the dark forest stalks a massive dragon, and you have just taken the bait and have fallen into his trap.
August 10th, 2012
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Comments (11)

Pamela Patch
Great work Daniel! Always a pleasure to view your art, your attention to detail is mesmerizing.

Marlene Burns
if i didn't already believe in dragons.....wow, daniel!! good luck moving your work....it is simply fantastic! vote