White Horse, Cold Dawn

by Daniel Eskridge
White Horse, Cold Dawn
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital Painting
A wild white horse stands atop a snow covered and rocky hill in the wilderness of the American West. As the wind blows through its mane and tail, it gazes out into the distance. Behind the proud looking equine, thick clouds fill the morning air with the promise of more snow tom come in during the winter day.
One of the earliest lessons I learned in painting was that a white object rarely appears truly white. Rather it picks up and is affected by light bouncing off of objects in its environment. It this case, even though the subject is a white horse, I've made the coat actaully more of a purple to empsize the colors of the dawn sky, with the only white being the edge where the light directly hits the horse.
This particular work came to mind when I was reading about a chess game. I was looking at the white knight and thought a needed to create an image with a kind of warrior white horse.
Thanks for looking,
October 22nd, 2021