Autumn Sister
by Daniel Eskridge
Autumn Sister
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital Painting
A Native American woman dressed in elaborate clothing the color of fall stands in an autumn forest with a sorrel pinto coated horse.
It is said that the creator and mother earth had four daughters: one for each season. It is for the Autumn Sister to calm Summer Sister and get her to sleep so that the Earth can heal from the damage caused by the heat.
This comes from a legend mentioned in the autobiography of Simon Pokagon a 19th century Pokagon Potawatomi writer.
From the artist: I created this at the beginning of fall 2023. I was wanting to create a new autumn themed image to welcome the season. Originally, I was only going to have the horse in it. I wanted to give the sorrel (or chestnut) pinto coat a try. Typically I depict bay pintos, but for this one I wanted somewhat softer colors. Also, while perusing images of sorrel pintos, I was stuck by how many of them had brilliant white manes and tails, so I decided to give the mustang in this work just such coloration. I decided the scene needed a human figure, too, just to bring it up to the next level, so I searched about for a legend about a woman and autumn eventually coming to Pokagons mention of the four season sisters. I really like the way this work turned out.
Thanks for looking,
Daniel Eskridge (
October 2nd, 2023
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Comments (6)
Brooks Garten Hauschild
Congratulations on your 2nd place win in 'Welcome Autumn' [Ai & Digital] with this amazing digital artwork, Daniel! My pleasure to host & judge the contest. F
Cindy's Creative Corner
Congratulations on placing 3rd in the Digital Art and AI Art contest, November Feature. I have archived your image in the group discussion.