Wild Appaloosa in Winter

by Daniel Eskridge
Wild Appaloosa in Winter
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital Painting
One a cold winter day in the wilderness of the American west, a wild appaloosa horse walks over a hill covered in snow and dry grass. The wind that blows across the plains picks up the horse's mane and tail. The sky appears full of dark clouds, but off to the right, the clouds have broken up enough to let the light of the sun shine through onto this wild lord of the grassy prairie.
I've recently created several artworks featuring appaloosas and this one continues that trend. This scene though was more about the the environment. I wanted to depict a cold winter day, yet still have a strong light. So, though I have a rather gloomy, overcast sky in the background, I indicated that those clouds were breaking outside the frame off to the right, and the appaloosa's whitish coat does a great job of showing the light.
How I make art like this: http://fineartbydaniel.com/2017/12/18/how-i-make-art-3d-rendering/
Tools I used to make this: http://fineartbydaniel.com/resources/
How I sell art: http://fineartbydaniel.com/quick-start-guide-selling-art-online/
Thanks for looking!
Daniel Eskridge
January 17th, 2021
Similar Subjects
Comments (12)

Barbara McMahon
Daniel, Truly an amazing image! Congratulations on your Highlight Artist of the Week Feature in WFS! l/f

Nikolyn McDonald
Stunning painting - love the tones, the pose. Congratulations on your selection as a Highlight Artist of the Week in the WFS group.

Kevin Lane
Very Beautiful artwork Daniel, Love the lighting here, Congratulations on your Special Feature with WFS, Truly well Deserved !!! L/F

Susan Buscho
Beautiful horse. Congratulations on being selected as an "HIGHLIGHT ARTIST" of the week in the WFS group!

Debra Martz
Fantastic! Congratulations on being selected as an "HIGHLIGHT ARTIST" of the week in the WFS group!

Brenda Bonfield
Congratulations on your beautiful digital art work being presented in the SPECIAL HIGHLIGHTED ARTISTS!

Randy Rosenberger
Congratulations for being one of our present SPECIAL HIGHLIGHTED ARTISTS, as you are very deserving of this special honor. Check it out on top of the Homepage of our site. It surely is a true honor to FEATURE THIS BEAUTY ON OUR HOMEPAGE! Your talents and love for art are surely dominant in this beautiful piece of outstanding art work! Thanks so very much for sharing, so we may enjoy and adore the beauty within! LIKED AND FAVED Randy B. Rosenberger (admin of WFS group) http://fineartamerica.com/groups/wisconsin-flowers-and-scenery.html