Velociraptors Hunting

by Daniel Eskridge
Velociraptors Hunting
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital 3d Rendering/cgi
A pair of feathered velociraptors are hunting in a dense steamy jungle. They stand among green ferns which carpet the forest floor. The pair scan the dense moss covered tree trunks, hunters on the lookout for their next meal.
The "Jurassic Park" movie series always shows velociraptors as scaly, but they were much more likely covered in a shaggy coat of feathers. For this dino art, I decided to try a different technique for their coats.
About how I create my artwork:
Rather than traditional forms of art such as painting or photography, I use a computer to create my images., It's called 3D Rendering and works like so: I make a scene by sculpting and arranging digital models in a virtual 3D space., After stipulating lighting and atmospheric effects, I have the computer create a simulated environment from which I take a virtual snap shot of the scene. Then, using image editing software and something more akin to traditional painting techniques (via a Wacom tablet), I go over the work adjusting colors, adding brushwork, painting in details, etc. to produce the final image. Software I use includes: Sculptris ZBrush, Blender3d, Vue, Daz Studio, and GIMP.
Thanks for looking!
Daniel Eskridge
March 31st, 2014
Similar Subjects
Comments (5)

John Wills
Great! I love the scene setup... I may try a dino too.. I was always fond of the triceratops, but Velociraptors are a very interesting subject as well. How do these dinosaur images sell on FAA?
Daniel Eskridge replied:
Thanks, John! Paleoart sell okay, though, the pieces sold tend to be smaller ones.