Three Wolves Watching You

by Daniel Eskridge
Three Wolves Watching You
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital Painting
Formal Title: "The Staring Contest"
It's a cold winter morning in the North American wilderness. You find your hike interrupted. You hear a low growl carried on the wind and turn to find three gray wolves gaze intently back at you. They stand atop a rock covered hill where snow lays on the ground around the boulders . The dawn sun adds a gentle glow the animal's fur making them stand out against the deep blue sky. As each wolf stares at you relentlessly, you may feel a bit unnerved.
One of my recurring themes in my art is that it looks back at you. Sometimes the compositions is roughly shaped like an eye. Other times the characters in the scene have their eyes directed straight out of the scene. For this one I went with the latter.
How I make art like this: http://fineartbydaniel.com/2017/12/18/how-i-make-art-3d-rendering/
Tools I used to make this: http://fineartbydaniel.com/resources/
Thanks for looking!
Daniel Eskridge
January 30th, 2018
Similar Subjects
Comments (11)

Alida M Haslett
This digital painting is spectacular, Daniel! You got my vote in the groups Of 3 contest- an outstanding work of art! LF

Andrea Swiedler
I just love your work, this is spectacular! I went to your website and read all about how you do this. Amazing! And your site is full of such great information, thank you for that.

Daniel Eskridge
Thanks for the feature in Digital Art and Photography for a Simple Imagination, Swedish Attitude Design!