The White Elk

by Daniel Eskridge
The White Elk
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital Painting
"The White Elk"
In a forest alive with the colors of fall, the sun breaks though the autumn canopy illuminating a clearing up ahead on the path. In that clearing stands a rare animal: an all white elk. The forest creature looks back at you from the distance standing proudly with its curved antlers held high.
My goal in creating this was mostly to create a nice fall scene where a path led from the dark shadowy part of a forest into a well lit area, creating a natural dark frame around a light area in the composition. Once I had created it though. I felt it lacked a subject, so I decided to try different animals in the clearing. I haven't really featured elk very much in my work, but I felt it really fit well in this scene.
To create this work I used 3D rendering as well as digital painting techniques.
Thanks for looking!
Daniel Eskridge
Follow me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheArtOfDanielEskridge
Also, I have a Zazzle store: http://www.zazzle.com/artofdanieleskridge
November 18th, 2016