The Lonely Ghost of October
by Daniel Eskridge
The Lonely Ghost of October
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital 3d Rendering/cgi
A lonely hill overlooks a lonely town. Upon the hill grows a lonely tree, next to which stands a tombstone that marks a lonely grave. In that grave lies a once lonely woman who hung herself from that lonely tree one October. Now every October, her lonely ghost rises to lament her decision which made her loneliness eternal.
October 10th, 2012
Comments (20)
Gary F Richards
Outstanding ghostly composition and excellent artwork! F/L voted for this piece in the contest 2021 HALLOWEEN GHOST IMPRESSIONS
DerekTXFactor Creative
Wow, Daniel this is the very essence of art- creating happenings that are not visible to the naked eye! Very fine.
Jean Walker
Lovely summery of this image & Beautiful work Daniel.....I really made me feel lonley & sad....Jean !!!!!......