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Styracosaurus Digital Art by Daniel Eskridge

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Comments (20)

Fiona Kennard

Fiona Kennard

Congratulations on your sale,Daniel

David Bocquelet

David Bocquelet

Amazing work Daniel, congratz on your sale !

Donna Brown

Donna Brown

Awesome Daniel. congratulation on your sale.

Pennie McCracken

Pennie McCracken

Congratulations Daniel, another fantastic image!

Bobby Dar

Bobby Dar


Daniel Eskridge replied:

Thanks, Bobby!

Helena Wierzbicki

Helena Wierzbicki

Impressive work !!

Daniel Eskridge replied:

Thanks, Helena!

Daniel Eskridge

Daniel Eskridge

Thanks for the feature, Mariola!

Fiona Kennard

Fiona Kennard

This is very cool...Love your work, Daniel.

Daniel Eskridge replied:

Thanks, Fiona!

Barry Jones

Barry Jones

Outstanding! v/f

Daniel Eskridge replied:

Thanks, Barry!

Elizabeth Winter

Elizabeth Winter

Love the coloring on the styracosaurus! Awesome work! f/v

Daniel Eskridge replied:

Thanks, Elizabeth!

Kume Bryant

Kume Bryant

Incredible work, Daniel! v f

Daniel Eskridge replied:

Thanks, Kume!

Michael Creese

Michael Creese

Really love all your dinosaurs! Incredible!

Daniel Eskridge replied:

Thanks, Michael!

Veikko Suikkanen

Veikko Suikkanen

Great work Daniel! L

Daniel Eskridge replied:

Thanks, Veikko!

Daniel Eskridge

Daniel Eskridge

Thanks for the feature, Claude!

Deyanira Harris

Deyanira Harris

Fantastic Image Daniel!! lfv

Daniel Eskridge replied:

Thanks, Deyanira!

AnnaJo Vahle

AnnaJo Vahle

OMG! I love this one, Daniel. You are the master! f/l

Daniel Eskridge replied:

Thanks, AnnaJo!

Reynold Jay

Reynold Jay

Awe! what a cute big fella. I know he is pretty much harmless unless threatened. I loved teaching this period in Earths history for my science classes. I often heard. "Mr. Jay, you seem to know an awful lot about dinosaurs. Is that because you are sooooo very old?" FAV

Daniel Eskridge replied:

Thanks, Reynold!

Dave Farrow

Dave Farrow

Daniel, your Paleo art is unbelievably gorgeous...you absolutely bring these prehistoric beasts to life. Simply magnificent my man...stunning gold medal work...L/V

Daniel Eskridge replied:

Thanks, Dave!

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Styracosaurus by Daniel Eskridge
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