Stampeding Bison

by Daniel Eskridge
Stampeding Bison
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital Painting
Out of the fog charges a terrifying vision. A mountain of dark fur, horns and steaming breath heads straight for you. It's a massive stampeding buffalo , and he is about to run you down. Better get out of the way of the great animal of the American West before you wind up trampled.
February 28th, 2023
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Comments (4)

Randy Rosenberger
Your art works are very indicative of a professional, and it is a true honor to "showcase" your art pieces for this week in this new venue we are providing for our members. Thanks for your awesome submissions, and it is an honor to have you as a member of our family of friends and fine artists within the WFS group. Special thanks and congratulations from your administrator, Randy "Elvis" Rosenberger