Spirit of Winter

by Daniel Eskridge
Spirit of Winter
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital 3d Rendering/cgi
It's the middle of winter and you find yourself in a cold snowy forest. Dense fog obscures the trees and hides the trail. Suddenly a great beast, the Spirit of Winter, appears before you. He is a massive brown American buffalo that glares at you angrily gives a steamy snort. His stance is tense and he is ready to charge.
An image for what is turning out to be a rather harsh winter. Even here in the American South, we've had record cold. So I decided to give this season a sort of mascot. A huge angry bison that is mean and menacing.
About how I create my artwork:
Rather than traditional forms of art such as painting or photography, I use a computer to create my images. It's called 3D Rendering and works like so: I make a scene by sculpting and arranging digital models in a virtual 3D space. After stipulating lighting and atmospheric effects, I have the computer create a simulated environment from which I take a virtual snap shot of the scene. Then, using image editing software and something more akin to traditional painting techniques (via a Wacom tablet), I go over the work adjusting colors, adding brushwork, painting in details, etc. to produce the final image. Software I use includes: Sculptris, ZBrush, Blender3d, Vue, Daz Studio, and GIMP.
Thanks for looking!
Daniel Eskridge
January 9th, 2014
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Comments (57)

Ksenia VanderHoff
Congratulations! This artwork is being featured today in Art in Motion Group discussion: Art I love that's not mine! https://fineartamerica.com/groups/art-in-motion.html?showmessage=true&messageid=3783989 You are welcome to join the thread and spread the word about some amazing art and artists.

Yvonne Nowicka-Wright
I am sorry, but somehow this comment skipped the image when I was working on my iPad. It was meant for "Bears Around The Outhouse".

Yvonne Nowicka-Wright
Humorous and scarry for the occupant. Love the rendering and light. You are a marvelous story teller and an artist.