Running Wolf

by Daniel Eskridge
Running Wolf
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital Painting
A gray wolf runs across a snow covered landscaped. Perhaps it is on the hunt and has sighted its prey, or maybe he just likes dashing through the snowy field. Either way this wolf has a look of determination on his face as he kicks up a spray of snow. Though covered in snow, many of the scrubby plants of the field poke through the cold white blanket. In the background, a dense forest of pine trees lines the clearing. Above, thick cumulus clouds drift through the winter skies with only a few breaks showing the blue beyond.
This is the latest in my series of wolf themed images. I really like the way this one turned out with its sense of action. I also rather like the way the winter ground cover looks in the foreground.
I created this artwork using CGI techniques as well as more traditional digital painting techniques.
Thanks for looking,
Daniel Eskridge
October 16th, 2014
Similar Subjects
Comments (29)

Jacek Dudzinski
Amazing work. I love it! If you have a sec, please let me know what you think about my images. I really want to progress with my knowledge

Jerry Bokowski
He is satisfying his need for speed, Daniel....lovely action/motion image! FAV / like

AnnaJo Vahle
Impossible not to love this fabulous painting, Daniel! Love the motion and the sense of depth. Fabulous details. f//l

Hanne Lore Koehler
Fantastic artistic digital action creation, Daniel!!! Wonderful details in this awesome composition!

Lesa Weller
Beautifully done, Daniel! The intensity and action of this piece raise one's heart rate. :) l/f