Rabbit After a Spring Storm

by Daniel Eskridge
Rabbit After a Spring Storm
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital 3d Rendering/cgi
A rabbit emerges from his den after a springtime storm has just passed. He sits on a large grey stone and surveys the grassy hills. The warm air pulls the moisture off the grass and creates a mist that creeps along the valleys and through the white pink and purple flowers. Meanwhile dark clouds retreat over the horizon.
Here in Georgia, the spring wheather is rife with storms. I've always liked the ones that come and leave quickly leaving a clean smelling air. So I tried to capture that misty post-rain atmosphere in this artwork.
April 28th, 2013
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Comments (15)

Peggy Collins
Remarkable! I have a special thing for rabbits and it's a delight to see this enchanting image. v/f

Anne-Elizabeth Whiteway
Daniel, I could keep coming back to your site for days and days and always be amazed. This is another fabulous image. So skilled and talented YOU are. F/V