Mouse In A Skull
by Daniel Eskridge
Mouse In A Skull
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital 3d Rendering/cgi
Formal Title: Inheritance
A brown forest mouse pokes his head out of his home. He lives in a moss covered human skull on that sits among a few mossy stones and a bunch of colorful mushrooms. The mouse's home was originally not his, of course. He inherited from the previous owner, who apparently did not come to a good end. Perhaps the skull's new inhabitant will do better.
February 1st, 2013
Comments (48)
Kay Brewer
Congratulations on your tie for a 2d place win in the Skulls, Roses, and Crazy Things contest! LF
Denise Fulmer
Congratulations on 1st Place win in Frightful Bones contest, Daniel. Really spooky...good one! L/F/t
Lois Bryan
oh How Fun is this one!!! A tad on the creepy side, but those gorgeous sunbeams and beautiful mushrooms ... not to mention your adorable mousie ... tip the scales onto the side of COOL!!! Love this one, Daniel!!! l/f and tweeted
John Wills
this is so AMAZING.. the moss looks great, and I'm sure even better without the FAA degradation.
Barbara St Jean
Congratulation in receiving 7 votes in MOUSE's first contest!! Thanks for your much appreciated participation! Cheers, Barbara F/V
Lourry Legarde
This is really good, Daniel! The amount of attention to detail is just astounding. f/v :)
Tyler Robbins
congrats on the features..and another fine example of your digital mastery..excellent, excellent work, Daniel...f/v