
by Daniel Eskridge
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital Painting
A small blue and purple feathered microraptor sits on a fallen tree in a dense Cretaceous era forest. It looks to the left to show its head in profile as is perches on the log. Its tail curves slightly in the same direction, show off its bright plumage. The twisted trunk of the down tree is covered with moss and shelf fungus. Ferns carpet the primeval forest floor as rays of sunlight cut through the thick green canopy above.
The microraptor was one of the smallest of dinosaurs. It was covered in feathers had wings on both it's arms and legs. It is one of the most commonly found fossils.
I decided to go a little wild with the coloring of this little dino. Originally, I had him in various shades of brown, but he didn't seem eye catching enough. So, I decided blue and purple would really make this fella stand out. After all, many birds have bright and intricate feather patterns, why couldn't a prehistoric cousin not have the same?
This image was created using digital techniques.
Thanks for looking!
Daniel Eskridge
October 27th, 2014
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Comments (8)

Dave Farrow
Daniel I cruised your Paleo gallery today and must say, it is absolutely extraordinary. Your exceptional colors are very, very eye catching...more gold my friend...l.v.f. Your description is utterly fantastic