Ice Age Rhino

by Daniel Eskridge
Original - Not For Sale
36.000 x 24.000 x 1.500 inches
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Ice Age Rhino
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital 3d Rendering/cgi
Here is another image of my one of my favorite extinct mammals of the Pleistocene megafauna: the Woolly Rhino or Coelodonta Antiquitatis. This shaggy beast was common in ice age Europe and is even depicted in cave art in southern France. Though extinct now, they may have still alive around 8000 BC in western Siberia.
I decided to depict this one up close. I really wanted him to fill the frame. He's walking through a grassy field in the fall. Hence, I gave the grass a reddish gold hue. It's a cold day, and you can see the animal's breath. Also, a slight mist clings to the ground. Otherwise, there is little in the way of background other than distant hills and clouds.
About how I create my artwork:
Rather than traditional forms of art such as painting or photography, I use a computer to create my images. It's called 3D Rendering and works like so: I make a scene by sculpting and arranging digital models in a virtual 3D space. After stipulating lighting and atmospheric effects, I have the computer create simulated environment from which I take a virtual snap shot of the scene. Then, using image editing software and something more akin to traditional painting techniques (via a Wacom tablet), I go over the work adjusting colors, adding brushwork, painting in details, etc. to produce the final image. Software I use includes: Sculptris, ZBrush, Blender3d, Vue, Daz Studio, and GIMP.
A disclaimer about my paleoart:
When it comes to paleoart, the images I create favor 'art' more than 'paleo'. While I try my best to depict animals as accurately as possible, I'm make no claim that they 100% scientifically accurate. The same goes for the environment I depict them in. I am primarily interested in creating aesthetically pleasing images and paintings. Scientific accuracy comes second behind artistic expression.
Thanks for looking!
Daniel Eskridge
October 23rd, 2013
Similar Subjects
Comments (10)

Pamela Patch
I love viewing all the creativity and details in your art Daniel. Congratulations on your group features, well deserved.