Huntress and Wolf

by Daniel Eskridge
Huntress and Wolf
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital Painting
A dark haired woman stands with her pet wolf upon a low, rocky, snow-covered rise. She holds a spear in her hand as she looks across the snowy landscape. To keep warm she wears grey furred pelts that are the same color as that of her lupine companion. Fir trees line the edge of the clearing that she is while majestic snow covered mountains rise up behind. The sky is a deep blue broken by dappled clouds.
This is the latest edition to my fantasy series. It was inspired by the cover illustrations of the many fantasy books I read while growing up. Illustrations like these, in fact, are what got me started in art.
This image was created using CGI and digital painting techniques.
Thanks for looking!
Daniel Eskridge
November 24th, 2014
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Comments (17)

Venetia Featherstone-Witty
Another incredible image - I just love your entire collection! L/F/tweeted