Elf Summoning a Pegasus

by Daniel Eskridge
Elf Summoning a Pegasus
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital Painting
"Elf Summoning a Pegasus"
A elven queen stands upon a rocky outcropping on a high mountain cliff. In one hand, she hold a magic, glowing green orb. With the other, she reaches out to touch the nose of a winged horse that has flown over the deep vally to answer her summons. The elf wears a flowing merlot colored gown with long white lace sleaves. The pegasus is not your typical white flying horse, but a pinto coated mustang with a black mane and tail and brown wings. Behind the pair, mists rise from the deep valley floor, surrounded by jagged rocky mountains that jut into a cloud filled sky.
Fantasy art has always been one of my favorite genres and this is the latest addition to my series of high fantasy works. I created this image using digital techniques including some CGI as well as digital painting.
Thanks for looking!
Daniel Eskridge
August 20th, 2015