
by Daniel Eskridge
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital Painting
As you wander lost among the dense trees, you hear the sound of singing accompanied by the notes of a harp. You follow the music to its source and find an elf maiden. She sits upon a large rock next to a twisted oak tree. In front of her, a shallow rocky stream winds it way through the woods. Her intricate green and white dress drapes loosely over her body, and her light brown hair frames her face. In her lap, she holds the golden harp whose notes drew you to the center of this enchanted forest.
This is the latest addition to my fantasy series. While I've depicted a few fairies, this is actually the first image in which I've actually depicted an elf. Elves appear many different ways in folklore, but I chose to go with the high fantasy, human-like style for this artwork.
I created this image using digital techniques. The process is similar to how movies create special effect scenes using CGI, only I make still images rather than animated scenes. To start with, I sculpted the tree trunk in Scupltris. Next, I used Poser 10 to pose the woman. I then imported everything into Vue 2015 where I added the natural elements, assembled the scene, and did the final rendering. I used GIMP for the final stage where I did a good bit of digital painting. I also used Topaz Adjust to do some minor color enhancement.
Poser: http://IntrovertArtist.com/Poser
Woman: http://www.IntrovertArtist.com/V4
Dress: http://www.IntrovertArtist.com/Dress
Sculptris: http://www.IntrovertArtist.com/Sculptris
Vue: http://IntrovertArtist.com/Vue
GIMP: http://IntrovertArtist.com/Gimp
Topaz Adjust: http://IntrovertArtist.com/Adjust
Thanks for looking!
Daniel Eskridge
June 4th, 2015