Dusk Approaches in Sleepy Hollow

by Daniel Eskridge
Dusk Approaches in Sleepy Hollow
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital Painting
"Dusk Approaches in Sleepy Hollow"
On an autumn day, a woman in a dress and wide brimmed hat stands atop a small rise on a dirt path that runs through a small wooded valley. The afternoon is giving way to evening and the light from the setting sun turns the whole area the color of flame.
While at first it looks like a peaceful scene of a fall sunset, something is amiss. The girl has turned to look back over her shoulder with a nervous glance. Something seems to be following her, something that comes as the darkness chases the sun over the horizon.
My goal for this image was actually to create a horror scene, but without any obvious scary elements: no monsters, skeletons, darkness, etc. So I've positioned the woman in such a way that she looks back away from the light as if the darkness of evening itself is pursuing her. Also, compositionally, I've trapped her in a narrow, secluded valley and boxed her figure in with long dark tree trunks that run up off the top edge acting almost like the bars of a prison. Finally, to further the point, I selected a title that references one of America's oldest horror stories.
To create this image I used digital techniques including 3D rendering and digital painting.
Thanks for looking!
Daniel Eskridge
Original art by Daniel Eskridge. Fine art and home d�cor. Images depicting the adventures of the natural world including wildlife, Native Americans, paleoart, fantasy and more.
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October 15th, 2015