Dodo Bird

by Daniel Eskridge
Dodo Bird
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital 3d Rendering/cgi
This is the next work in my Dodo Bird art series. This one is going for a stroll through the misty jungle of isle of Mauritius, which was the only habitat of the dodos.
The brown feather coat so far is my favorite color scheme for the bird. I'm not sure how accurate it is, but I don't really care. It looks good and my paleoart has always favored art over paleo.
The landscape is one that I've used in several artworks. Though I change it a bit every time. I just really like the way this tree looks with its thick roots.
April 2nd, 2013
Similar Subjects
Comments (24)

Mike Breau
Visiting your works is like taking a breather to visit a great museum Daniel-The more I see, the more I want to see-love your dodo's too./V

Joshua Bales
Great subject matter. Madagascar once was home to the Elephant bird.The largest living bird ever at 10ft tall around 800 lbs. which tragically went extinct during the 17th century due to humans, like the dodo and the moa of new Zealand.

Hazel Billingsley
Your art is amazing & you really bring the viewer a sense of another time & place! F/V

Judy Via-Wolff
I love this bird! (He looks friendly) ! Awesome series and work as usual. I think a children's book is in order! fv vote