Carnotaurs on the Hunt

by Daniel Eskridge
Carnotaurs on the Hunt
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital Painting
A trio of carnotaurs hunt wet coastal plains during the cretaceous. One of them has spotted you and comes charging in your direction. Kicking up spashes of water from the wet ground, it bares its wicked teeth ready to snatch you up and swallow you whole.
Carnotaurs were predatory dinosaurs that lived about 70 million years ago in what is now South America. They are distinguished by the short horns on their head. There has been some debate recently whether this prehistoric beast hunted smaller dinosaurs alone, or larger ones as a pack. It's teeth were specialized to capture and hold prey and even to swallow it whole.
To create this image, I used an digital art programs including 3D rendering and digital painting.
Thanks for looking!
Daniel Eskridge
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July 27th, 2017