Autumn Thoughts

by Daniel Eskridge
Autumn Thoughts
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital Painting
"Autumn Thoughts"
A brown haired woman in a red velvet dress with gold trim sits on the root of a twisted old oak tree and gazes out over a still pond with her hands resting on her knee. Around her, the ground is carpeted in golden grass, while on the other side of the pond, a forest of fall colored trees lines the shore.
To create this image used digital techniques including 3d sculpture, digital painting and 3d rendering.
Thanks for looking!
Daniel Eskridge
Follow me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheArtOfDanielEskridge
Also, I have a Zazzle store: http://www.zazzle.com/artofdanieleskridge
November 10th, 2016
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Comments (8)

Reynold Jay
I received your newsletter moments ago and simply had to view this up close. Wonderful contemplative scene that soothes this viewer. Well done, Daniel. FAV!

Trudee Hunter
A beautiful and thoughtful pose. I particularly like the complimentary colours. The deep rust shades of the woman's dress blends in so well with her surroundings. L /F