Aucasaurus Among Hoodoos

by Daniel Eskridge
Aucasaurus Among Hoodoos
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital
A pair of aucasaurs have wandered into a valley that was once a wide riverbed. Now arid, the river has long since dried up. However, the effect of the river�s flowing water on the rocks has left behind a forest of natural stone sculptures called hoodoos. The aucasaurs have decided it is an interesting place to look for their next meal.
The aucasaurus was a medium sized cretaceous dinosaur, roughly the size of a large white rhino (except the tail would make quite a bit longer). It lived in what is now Argentina, and is apparently related to the Carnotaurus.
I used a archaeopteryx model for the �birds� on top of the closes hoodoo, but you�ll have to imagine that they are some more contemporaneous species, say Neuquenornis, as there is no evidence that archaeopteryx belongs in cretaceous Argentina.
The animals (both purchased content by dinoraul) were posed in poser. The rest of the scene was constructed in Vue 9. Final rendering was done in Vue 9. Post production (minor fixes, color adjustment, and my stamp) were done using GIMP.
August 11th, 2011
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Comments (5)

Gwen Robinson
Are these paintings done in Photoshop? Wonderful work
Daniel Eskridge replied:
I do the last step in GIMP (an alternative application to photoshop) but the process is much more complicated than that. They are actually a form of CGI called 3d rendering. I have a write up on the process here: http://www.danieleskridge.com/aboutrendering.php