Abandoned Cart

by Daniel Eskridge
Abandoned Cart
Daniel Eskridge
Digital Art - Digital 3d Rendering/cgi
An old wooden two-wheeled cart sits forlornly in an overgrown wheat field. Its wood is rotting and its iron rusting. Pine covered hills rise in the hazy distance as clouds build in the late afternoon. It's late summer and the grass has turned brown. Like the abandoned cart, so too has the field been forgotten and the grain never harvested.
Just outside of my office there is a small bakery/cafe. A couple of times a week, when I don't immediately feel the need to get into work, I drop by for a coffee and a few minutes of reading. The place is decorated with a variety of bread themed art. Among them is a number of reproductions of European agrarian paintings. Looking at those inspired me to put this artwork together. Though not particularly complex, this image did give me an opportunity to experiment with some old weathered looking wood textures.
Thanks for looking!
Daniel Eskridge
July 29th, 2013
Similar Subjects
Comments (8)

Maria Hunt
Daniel... this is amazing. I love the subtle colors and a composition that just draws in the viewer... a masterpiece. f/l

Brooks Garten Hauschild
Congratulations on your SECOND place win in 'All Kind of Wheels', Daniel! Wonderful image & description. My pleasure to host the contest. L/v.

E Faithe Lester
Nice image -- well deserving of your place in the "All Kinds of Wheels" contest. Congrats.

Judy Hall-Folde
Congratulations on your 2nd place win in the All Kinds of Wheels contest. A splendid work of art!